Working languages:


Presentation Types:


Duration: 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes for discussion


 Presentations in this case take the form of printed posters A1 or A0

 A0 format (Width: 841mm x Height: 1189) (Portrait)

A1 format (Width: 841mm x Height: 594) (Landscape)


  Presentation via Zoom, Duration: 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes for discussion

Registration Request (have to be filed at registration stage):

Title of presentation

Proffered form of Presentation


  Abstracts will be published in the form of proceedings (Indexed in Google Scholar)

 Abstracts must contain 1 page, format A4, in English (template can be found at abstract page)

Abstract template can be downloaded from conference web-page LINK

Abstracts can be uploaded along with registration or later through personal Account – October 10, including


Original, selected papers will be indexed in Google Scholar

Paper must contain no more than 4 pages, format A4, in English (details will be available soon).